Let’s Encrypt SSL encryption activated for pixelreality.net

I have just activated the „Let’s Encrypt“ SSL encryption for pixelreality.net. Every connection should now be secured, as requests are redirected to the SSL-encrypted URL automatically. Please let me know if you experience any problems!

Big thank you to All-inkl for offering a One-click installation of a „Let’s Encrypt“ certificate and obviously, to „Let’s Encrypt“ and the Internet Security Research Group!

If you are hosting your website with All-inkl as well, just follow these quick steps to secure connections to your website:

  1. Log into the administration interface KAS
  2. Go to „Domains“
  3. Click on the „edit“ icon for the domain you want secure with a SSL certificate
  4. Click on the „edit“ icon for the SSL protection („SSL Schutz“)
  5. Go to tab „Let’s encrypt“
  6. Check the disclaimer
  7. Click on the „confirmation“ button („jetzt ein Let’s Encrypt SSL Zertifikat beziehen und einbinden“)
  8. Done!

To ensure redirection to the secured connection for any user you might want to consider setting up a redirect rule in your .htaccess file (at the root folder).

Our instant payments coverage

The European Retail Payments Board, the European Payments Council and EBA Clearing are driving the implementation of a pan-European instant payments system. Within less than two years the new system (the messaging/clearing-infrastructure) is planned to be operational and ready for interested payment service providers to offer instant payments products on-top.

I am covering this exciting development together with some colleagues in a series of articles (to be continued – German only):
Instant payments – the next big challenge for payment technology in banks since SEPA and PSD2
Draft rulebook for SCT Inst published by EPC for public consultation – the next step